Robert Arató

Known for his hyperrealistic, large-format paintings of seascapes.

It’s characteristic to his works how Robert Arató pronounces the dividing line between sky and water, giving the viewer both a feeling of depth and a structured perception of the motion of the two elements, which could easily be sensed as if one was just part of the scene.

Arató was born in 1959 in Spisská Nová Ves (former Czechoslovakia) and spent his youth in Germany, where his family emigrated in 1968. Already at young age, he discovered a genuine passion for painting. At 21, he commenced studies of Fine Art at the Acedemy of Art College in San Francisco, which he finished in 1984 at Munich’s Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of Prof. Jürgen Reipka.

In the ten years following his graduation, Arató worked as freelance painter and took on a wide range of assignments as an architect, interior designer, and illustrator, ranging as far as to the experimental design of airplane composite structures. He later reflects on this time as an experience he had to accumulate to become a professional painter.

In 1996, Robert Arató moved to the Spanish island of Ibiza, where he, in 2000, began to paint his internationally acclaimed seascape paintings.

“Painting embodies for me the best possible form to feel free. It feels free of personal states of longing or intentions, except to dedicate fully to the act of painting. I very much enjoy to observe how the brush condenses the immanent vibrations of energy into shapes and illusions.” (Robert Arató)

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